Milites Templi
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Vrouwen bij de tempeliers

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Vrouwen bij de tempeliers Empty Vrouwen bij de tempeliers

Bericht  Gast zo jan 18, 2009 2:38 pm

door Erik opgezocht Smile

Historically, the Daughters of Tsion (besides being a very well kept secret) were made up of the following kinds of women: sisters, mothers and spouses---even daughters of the Knights, and sometimes girlfriends or just a female friend with whom they had a purely platonic relationship. During most of their public history the Knights were forbidden to marry and celibacy was required, the latter never seriously enforced. As the Order grew in the mid 1100's the Knights went along with the semblance of celibacy in order to appease the Catholic Church whose endorsement they needed to survive in dark age politics. If the all-powerful church didn't approve of your work, you were a heretical order and were burned at the stake. And besides, you couldn't survive economically, either! They were ostensibly a monastic order and did indeed live in preceptories (monasteries) all over Europe. Yet according to historians and Templar experts the first Grand Master, Hugh de Payens was married to a mysterious and beautiful heiress of the Saint Clair (Scottish Sinclair) family. See Dafoe and Butler's book, The Knights Templar Revealed, formerly titled the Templar Continuum, and required reading for our advanced Templar initiates. The existence of "Templar nuns" was an historical fact, one is pictured below left.
All of the rituals, practices and even daily services of the Knights Templar were performed in secret. This was highly unusual for monastic orders and is the source for all the mystery surrounding the Knights Templar as well as the source for their condemnation. Because of all the secrecy, they were easily accused of heresy. They no doubt were heretical, especially in their belief in the Sacred Feminine and reverence for God-the-Mother. The Knights had to keep such teachings secret because they knew it could get them arrested, tortured and burned at the stake.
This of course was the eventual fate of the Templar Knights. On Friday the 13th, 1307 those French Templars that hadn't slipped thru the net were arrested because the French King Philip IV and his hand-picked Pope decided to seize the Templar wealth. Templars were tortured, "tried" and 54 who refused to admit to the lies of demon-worship and spitting on the cross, were eventually burned alive. Friday the 13th has since been considered a horrid day, unlucky in the extreme, to all people of European descent.
What is little known is that the Knights took on female partners to help balance their work, to assist in their secret esoteric practices which included revering the Goddess. Whether these women were girlfriends, secret wives, or in some cases hired prostitutes, they were an integral part of the Templar mission, providing a necessary complement to the efforts of each male initiate. Interestingly, they didn't always become lovers with their partner. Many Knights had been married before joining the Order and some therefore had daughters suitable for this task. There is one legend of a 13-year old maiden, daughter of a Knight, who knew every one of the combat-prayer songs sung by the Daughters of Tsion while their men were in battle. When her father sadly fell in combat, her expertise was not wasted because a young Templar (perhaps in shining armor?) asked her to make the special alliance with him.
In our order some members come to us already as a couple, whether married or in a committed relationship. But many more members are singles, some with spouses in the "real" world who don't want to participate. Our singles perform the missions and the same work as everyone else and in some cases get to know a member of the opposite group and pair up. We encourage this pairing up and it is a requirement for the more advanced stages of the work so that members can practice the ancient magik and sacred balance of male-female energy complementing and working together. It is NOT matchmaking, and no romance is implied. If you can't get your significant other to sign up for this part of your study, don't worry. You will learn things from this platonic male-female harmony that you can take home and use in your relationship. This is serious light-working and right-working. Most paired-up members never meet face to face, though hopefully they develop a good email correspondence with their partner and we know some of them exchange phone numbers, naughty naughty. Okay, yes, one couple did meet here and end up getting married. Three years later they're still together so it must have been a good thing.

minder wetenschappelijk, maar wel leuk :
Unknown Female Templar
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A decoy pretending to be Robert De Sable sent to distract and kill Altair.

Altair's meeting with the Female Templar
In the sixth and second last memory block, Altair is sent on his final mission for Al Mualim to kill the ninth Templar: Robert De Sable. Altair sets off to assassinate him and through his investigation discovers that he would be attending a funeral in Jerusalem. Unfortunately when he arrives he discovers that it is actually an ambush with the Templars and the target already knowing about his presence at the event and triggers a city alert that the Templars seem to prevent him from escaping. However, Altair manages to slay the Templar guards and ends up knocking the target to the ground and pounces. Altair Removes his helmet only to discover it's not Robert De Sable at all and in fact not even a he. This "unknown Templar" is actually a female and when confronted by Altair she boasts of her masterʼs grand plan to destroy Maysaf but also admits how the Altair had been extremely successful in his plans up till now. Altair ends up letting her go saying that he had not been ordered to kill her so he wouldn't do it. The real reason however is thought to be because he didn't want to fuel Robert De Sables plans any further.
There is no information about her before or after the ambush, however she seemed to be of a high rank in the Templar Knights noting that she was able to match Altair's sword skills and that she'd be chosen for such an important mission. She also hints that she knows about the piece of Eden, which leaves speculations that she might actually be a girlfriend / wife or daughter of Robert De Sable. This would help explain the reason as to why a girl would be aloud such a high place in the Templars. There are speculations that letting her go was a massive mistake by Altair and she was the reason that the Templars were able to reestablish themselves with her leadership and knowledge of the special relics up to the point in the future events of the game.
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Vrouwen bij de tempeliers
Vrouwen bij de tempeliers


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Vrouwen bij de tempeliers Empty Re: Vrouwen bij de tempeliers

Bericht  gerard van Ruddervoorde ma okt 19, 2009 7:39 pm

Of er vrouwelijke strijders waren dat betwijfel ik, wel konden vrouwen toetreden tot de orde. Denk maar aan de gentse commanderij Dobbelslot waar zowel mannen als vrouwen zaten, dan wel van elkaar gescheiden door een dobbel slot ;-)
gerard van Ruddervoorde
gerard van Ruddervoorde

Aantal berichten : 13
Leeftijd : 44
Woonplaats : Blankenberge
Registration date : 17-09-08

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Vrouwen bij de tempeliers Empty consorreres en vrouwelijke strijders

Bericht  aquilia ma apr 12, 2010 3:35 pm

Een van de meest bizarre gegevens is dat er enerzijds een met zekerheid vastgestelde aanwezigheid van vrouwen was in de tempelorde. Dergelijke aanwezigheid is geattesteerd binnen meerdere Franse commanderijen. De enige vaststelling in de Lage Landen is echter een in Gent, genaamd Adelise (J. Hosten, de tempeliers. De tempelorde tijdens de krruistochten en in de Lage Landen, p. 221). Zij leefde in het Gentse tempelhof gedurende de dertiende eeuw, gescheiden van de fratres van de commanderij. Zij was een belangrijke donateur en besloot uiteindelijk haar bezittingen integraal op te geven om in de commanderij te gaan leven.
Dergelijk voorbeeld levert opnieuw een zeker beeld van het statuut van vrouwen in de tempelorde. Het is een statuut betreffende de zogenaamde lekenassociatie met de tempelorde. Zij wordt uitgebreid beschreven door Jochen G. Schenk (J. Schenk, "Forms of lay association with the Order of the Temple" in: Journal of Medieval History, 34 (2008), pp. 79-103).
Buiten de aanwezigheid van 'fratres' en 'sergentes', die beide de drie geloften (kuisheid, armoede en gehoorzaamheid) dienden af te leggen en zich volledig naar de regel diende te schikken, en die van de 'familiares', personen uit de werkersklasse ('laboratores') die in een dienstafhankelijke relatie met de orde stonden; waren er eveneens lekenassociaties. Er zijn drie termen, weliswaar vaak door elkaar gebruikt, bekend: confratres/consorrores, donati en milites ad terminum. Schenk beschouwt donati als een specifieke, vergevorderde vorm van het confraterschap/consorresschap. In het geval van confraters of consorrers zouden de leken een regelmatige donatie maken aan de tempelorde, vaak samengaand met een grote donatie meestal op het einde van het leven. Donati gingen hier een stap in verder. Zij gaven hun volledige bezit aan de orde, weliswaar met behoud van vruchtgebruik in sommige gevallen. In andere gevallen zou de persoon in kwestie gaan leven bij de tempelorde. Het geval van Adelise beantwoord perfect aan het statuut van donati. Zij leefden een semi-religieus leven en legden vaak ook geloften af. Toch schikten zij zich niet noodzakelijk volledig onder de tempelregel. Dit verklaart op zijn beurt waarom er geen bepalingen zijn in de regel over het leven van vrouwen in de orde, overigens ook niet over het leven van de donati. Het bronnenmateriaal heeft tot op heden nog niet aangewezen of er vrouwen waren die werkelijk volwaardig sorrores konden worden.
Toch dienen we hierbij een aantal belangrijke kanttekeningen te maken. Ten eerste is het statuut vrijwel uitsluitend bestudeerd in het Westen. De cartularia van het Latijnse Oosten zijn recent slechts vertaald en uitgegeven. Of er in het Oosten andere gebruiken bestonden dient nog verder bestudeerd te worden. Wel dient opgemerkt te worden dat in precaire situaties in het Oosten, bijvoorbeeld tijdens kruistochten, vrouwen hebben deelgenomen aan het militair gebeuren. Vaak in de vorm van logistiek (watervoorzienin en voedselvoorziening van de krijgers), maar wellicht ook in verdediging van kasteel- of stadsmuren. Men weet dat vrouwen, vaak met hevige kritiek van de Kerk, meewaren tijdens de kruisvaartbewegingen. Het lijkt bijgevolg onwaarschijnlijk dat zij niet werden ingezet tijdens moeilijke situaties. In tijden van nood dienen bepaalde gebruiken nu eenmaal achterwege te worden gelaten. Een voorbeeld daarvan kunnen we zeker vinden in de eerste kruistocht tijdens de belegering van Antiochië.
Of binnen de tempelorde vrouwen werkelijk meevochten blijft aldus een raadsel. In regel zullen zij wellicht niet werden ingezet. Maar wanneer een kasteel op vallen stond lijkt het vreemd om aan te nemen dat men vrouwen zou blijven verbieden naar de wapens te grijpen.

Aantal berichten : 26
Leeftijd : 40
Woonplaats : Gent
Registration date : 14-09-08

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